Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Author

    I've brought a member from SigResource, and a new friend of mine, to be an author on this blog. Nathan Burton, or Relapse, has so nicely obliged to translate the Photoshop tutorials I make into GIMP language, for all you GIMP users out there. I know there are some people that haven't converted to Photoshop, or simply prefer GIMP to Photoshop, and we don't want those folks to be left out in the cold.

    Each tutorial post from now on is going to be labeled at the title, so you know whether the tutorial is GIMP, PS, or both GIMP and PS compatible. So yeah, go ahead and drop a comment and give him a welcome, if you want. Thanks for reading!


  1. Smart move, dude! Gimp tuts can be hard to find, I'd like to see some really basic ones on the GIMP command line python-fu mix.

  2. I really think you can attract a lot of viewers to your blog with this move. As a user of both PS and GIMP, I know the scarcity of GIMP tuts.

    Get some tuts posted then get them out there to the world. People will come. Good luck!

  3. Its not that we don't want to convert to PS, its that GIMP is free and can be used on linux.

  4. very interesting ... i cant wait to see the final product!

  5. I'm looking forward to learning something new

  6. Thanks Guys, ill be sure to make sure you receive some high quality professional Tutorials from me. :)

  7. I used use gimp before i got photoshop,they're both good :D

  8. i try to learn more in photoshop i hope to find something abot tehnique:)
    some semples ces put here?

  9. really looking forward to the tutorials! hope to see some really awesome ones i can learn from

  10. I'll be looking for some awesome background images for my desktop...
